Nate Pinchot

Nate Pinchot

About Me

I'm located in Austin, TX.

I'm excited about developing software, extremely dedicated, and will work harder than necessary to get the job done. I strive to create quality implementations of code to best serve the purpose at hand.

"I am always proud of the work that I do."

My Site:

Current & Past Employment

Since early August of 2012, I've worked with the intelligent people at UndercoverTourist, where I focus on the development of our website. I greatly enjoy and appreciate the lack of corporate stoogery and politics and the opportunity for my voice to be heard.
UndercoverTourist Site:

Between early 2001 and August of 2012, I worked at Datacore Consulting, where I helped clients create great software with captivating user experiences and intuitive user interfaces.

Skills and Core Competencies


Python, C#, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP

Server Technologies

nginx, uWSGI, AWS

Web Development Technologies

HTML, CSS, Django

Life Goals

One day I hope to be able to make homemade lasagna from scratch that is as delicious as my Grandmother's was.


E-Commerce with Django at Scale: Effective Performance Lessons Learned

Monday 2:50 p.m.–3:15 p.m. in Salons CDE