Monday 11:50 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
The D is Silent: Challenges in Teaching Django
Caleb Smith
Audience level:
- Novice
This talk will examine design decisions in Django and their effects on Django instruction. This will include a discussion of the trade-offs of "Explicit is better than implicit" and "Configuration over convention" and a comparison with the design of some other web frameworks. We will conclude by discussing how Django's design pairs well with certain theories of learning.
- What are Django's important design decisions?
- Maximizes for the 90% case, but allows for uncommon cases
- Batteries included
- Emphasis on documentation and testing
- "Configuration over convention" and "Explicit is better than implicit"
- What are the benefits of each choice?
- Good high-level documentation
- Easy access to quality libraries
- An invitation to explore.
- What challenges are a consequence of these choices.
- Do I need all of Django?
- What is Django and what is Python?
- The mixed bag of "Configuration over convention"
- What does Flask do differently?
- How does Ruby on Rails differ and which parts are harder or easier to teach.
- Common mistakes when teaching Django
- How Django lends itself well to a Constructivist teaching approach, especially Jerome Bruner's "Spiral Curriculum".