Below is a list of companies that AT&T Center recommends to guests for on-site babysitting services. Pricing availability is subject to change so please confirm directly with the provider.
Nannies from the Heart
- Phone: (512) 302-1998 (sitting-related emergencies: (512) 773-7267)
- [email protected]
- $20/hour per nanny. One nanny per 3 non-potty-trained children, or per 5 potty-trained children.
Grandparents Unlimited
- Phone: (512) 795-8776
- [email protected]
- In hotels: $18.00 an hour for 1-2 children, $2.00 more per additional child. Maximum 4 children. A $7 travel fee is charged per sitting. A minimum of 4 hours per sitting.
Many thanks to the SciPy organizers for their help.