Both the quantity and quality of the proposals were amazing. Sadly, we had only 40 talk and 4 tutorial slots, and many excellent talk and tutorial submissions couldn’t be accommodated. We’d like to provide you with some facts and figures about our review process:
We had 139 talk and 24 tutorial submissions. That’s 54% more submissions than last year.
More than 25 reviewers signed up to help us review talks and tutorials.
Within 8 hours every talk had at least one review; within 24 hours every talk had 3 or more reviews.
In 6 days, we had 1000 reviews.
We had 1179 reviews total.
After the first round of reviews there were 84 talks with top votes. Out of those we chose our 40 DjangoCon US 2015 talks.
30% of our talks are by female speakers.
The final decisions about our program were very difficult; we had enough excellent content to easily schedule two conferences. We’re very proud of the schedule we’ve put together and want to thank everyone who submitted a talk or proposal, even if it wasn’t selected. The quality of submissions was top notch, and we hope to see many of your proposals at other conferences or at DjangoCon 2016.
Thanks also to all of our reviewers! We couldn’t have done this without you.
We are confident that DjangoCon US 2015 will be a great conference with many excellent talks and tutorials. We hope to see you in Austin in September!